We have partnered with Block in a Box who provide a range of useful services for blocks of flats and apartments. For a quote visit the Block in a Box website.
If you’re looking for a company who can help you in the event of a claim or if you need some building work completed, Block in a Box has partnered with The NEG to provide you with 24-hour home emergency response for all trades throughout the UK including:
- Plumbing – leaks and blockages
- Heating – gas safe engineers to restore central heating
- Blocked drains
- Boarding / securing – smashed windows / doors
- Break-ins – securing property
- Locksmiths – locked out, lock changes, broken locks and mechanisms
- Roofing – leaks, broken tiles, flashing, ridges
- Domestic and commercial – houses and shop fronts
- Electrical problems
For more information or a quote please call 0333 015 4145, visit the Block in a Box website here or email info@blockinabox.co.uk providing brief details of the work that you need completing.