Normally excess options will be offered, when you obtain and insurance quotation for your block. An excess is the first part of a claim which is paid by the Policyholder. For example, your quote could be offered with a £100 excess. If you prefer a NIL excess the premium would normally increase or could be …
What insurance does your block need?
Flat Living Insurance demystifies the different areas of insurance. Before the worst happens and you need to make a claim, our essential guide to insurance will help you check that you have the right cover in place. Ensuring your block is adequately covered is a major responsibility and ensuring a competitive price as well as …
How do I report a claim?
Flat Living Insurance explains the steps to take when reporting a claim. To notify us of a NEW claim, simply email us at or contact us on 0333 577 2044. What we will need: Photographs – The easiest way for us to understand the damage is for us to see it. Photographs are the easiest way to help …
How to speed up your claims settlement
Insurance for your block of flats is a “distress purchase”; you only need to use it when something goes wrong. So when something does go wrong, what can you do to make sure that your claim is handled promptly with as little work as possible? Prompt action is always the key and it may reduce …
Lift Inspection and Insurance with Flat Living Insurance
Under health & safety regulations, there is a duty for Companies to ensure that their passenger lifts are formally inspected by a competent authority every 6 months. Lifts would include passenger lifts, window cleaning hoists and winches fixed to the roof of the property. A record of these inspections must be kept and a certificate …
Lift Inspection and Insurance with Flat Living InsuranceRead More
Overlooked flats insurance products
There are areas of optional cover that some Residents’ Management Companies (RMC) decide not to take out when they are reviewing their options for their block of flats. This can have highly detrimental effects on residents, directors, officers and landlords. A summary of the most important products which are often overlooked is shown below: Directors …
How to report a claim
Flat Living Insurance explains the steps to take when reporting a claim. To notify us of a NEW claim, simply email us at or contact us on 0333 577 2044. What we will need: Photographs – The easiest way for us to understand the damage is for us to see it. Photographs are the easiest way to help …