Darren Bagnall of Flat Living Insurance looks at the role of a grounds maintenance contractor in keeping your outside spaces well maintained. A great garden maintenance provider can take up a fair chunk of your service charge, but with good reason. Garden maintenance is a highly skilled, physical job that ensures residents’ enjoyment of your …
Why Have My Insurance Premiums Increased?
Darren Bagnall of Flat Living Insurance looks at some of the reasons block insurance has increased in recent years. We’ve been hearing this question a lot lately and the short answer is always “because the industry has entered into what is known as a ‘hard market’ for property and commercial insurances”. But for those not …
Cyber Security and You
Darren Bagnall of Flat Living Insurance looks at the issue of cyber security for block managers. With all the upheaval of the pandemic diverting business owners’ attention, it could be easy for cyber security to slip quietly off the radar. Unfortunately, hackers haven’t taken a break over the past couple of years- in fact, they’ve …
Flood Risks for Blocks of Flats
Darren Bagnall of Flat Living Insurance discusses the risk of flooding for blocks of flats. The risks of floods may not spring to mind when you think about the issues you may face when managing or living in a block of flats, but it’s as much of a risk to high rise blocks as it …
The Duty to Make a Fair Presentation
Darren Bagnall, of Flat Living Insurance, details your responsibility to make a fair presentation when you arrange your flats insurance.
Flat Living: Making the Most of Outside Space
Darren Bagnall of Flat Living Insurance helps you make the most of any available outside space at your block of flats. While flat dwellers may not have access to swathes of land, many can take advantage of balconies, potted plants and rooftop gardens. With greenery being linked to our overall health and wellbeing, property managers …
An At-a-Glance Guide to Service Charges
Darren Bagnall, of Flat Living Insurance, provides an at-a-glance guide to service charges. For those who haven’t owned a leasehold property or come across the term; service charges are payable by leaseholders on an annual basis to cover the landlord’s incurred costs for providing services and maintaining the common areas of the building. When signing …
Why have insurance premiums increased?
A tougher attitude to risk and pricing across the insurance market has developed which now sees the flats insurance sector entering what is known as a ‘Hard Market’ for property and commercial insurances. What do we mean by the term ‘Hard Market’? It simply means that demand exceeds supply. More claims and increased claims costs …